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artist statement 

Through my work I am looking for transformation within the mundane artifacts of everyday life. The work I create functions as pseudo-spiritual icons, protective totems and apparitions. They reflect the world I wish to see and sometimes the one that I fear. Imagined through the lens of my own anxieties and compulsions, even the most ubiquitous ephemera become a proxy for the human condition. Most recently I have been focusing on the idea of bad omens and good luck charms derived from a vocabulary of found images, personal objects and imagined scenarios.  I think of these images as “Monuments” that represent some greater truth. Floating through hazy colorfields, these images waver between reality and another plane, channeling the absurd, tragic, fragile and sometimes transcendent minutia all around us.

Small Sculpture Cluster, 500X Gallery, 2015


Rachel Fischer is a multimedia artist currently residing in Kenmore, Washington. She earned her MFA at the University of North Texas, and has been the recipient of numerous awards and grants, including the Dallas Museum of Art Arche and Anne Giles Kimbrough Fund in 2014 and the Nasher Artist Microgrant in 2015 for Brick Haus Collective, the artist studios and exhibition space she co-founded. Her work was included in New American Paintings Issue 126.

© 2020 by Rachel Fischer 

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